Monday, February 27, 2012

The Rose that Grew from Concrete - Tupac Shakur

The Rose that Grew from Concrete
---  Tupac Shakur ---
Did you hear about the rose that grew
from a crack in the concrete?
Proving nature's law is wrong it
learned to walk with out having feet.
Funny it seems, but by keeping its dreams,
it learned to breathe fresh air.
Long live the rose that grew from concrete
when no one else ever cared.

• 1. What is concrete? Explain, using imagery, what it looks, feels, smells, tastes and sounds like. 
-        -  Concrete is something people use to build house and it needs to be strong enough to make the house solid. It doesn’t look nice and it actually looks disgusting. People walk on it, spit on it. It represents something bad or problems.

• 2. What is a rose? Using imagery to explain it. 
-       -   A rose is a pretty and pleasant flower. It represents something nice, beauty, or something that overcome the problems.
• 3. What is the tone of this poem?
-        -  The tone of this poem is strong but soft at the same time. It probably cheers people up. It sounds great and happy.
• 4. What is the message of the poem?
-         - The message is to believe in ourselves. We can do anything if we try and we can make something out of nothing. We can change, from bad to good.
• 5. What figurative language does the poet use?
-          - The poet uses imagination to compare concrete as a bad person; and rose is that person after some changes, that person becomes a better person. 

Sunday, February 19, 2012

Homework (Changes-Tupac)

1) What's the tone of the song?
- Aggressive and angry. He tried to tell people to not fight over each other and also don't be racist toward black-Americans.

2) What imagery does Tupac use?
- He used the experience of his life to describe the world around him. He saw his friend died in the game and that really sad. He was forced to do something that he didn't want to. And he prefer a better life.

3) What figurative language does he use?
- He used rhymes, alliteration, onomatopocia, repetion.

4) Text to Self.
- Tupac sent the messages through the song and

5) Text to Text.
- This song has the same content and meaning as the speech of MLK - I have a dream. They both tell us about being racist toward each other is not the right thing to do.

6) Text to World.
- In this world, lots of people still live in poor and they have to do dirty jobs like: stealing and selling drugs because that's the only thing they can do to survive. Tupac has describe the situation very well. The world has to change.